Jacobs Arbors
Jacobs Arbors include Morse Taper Arbors, Arbors Straight Shank to Jacobs Taper, Arbors Threaded Shank to Morse Taper, Arbors Bridgeport Taper to Jacobs Taper and Drill Sleeves - Morse Taper, Archer Series.
 Adapt Jacobs taper to: morse tapers, straight shanks, threaded shanks and Bridgeport tapers. Jacobs arbors are ideal for use with custom tool and work holder designs and for specialized machining applications.
 Precision machined and ground to master gages for maximum performance with Jacobs drill and tap chucks. Jacobs arbors, straight shank to Jacobs taper are ideal for use with custom tool and work holder designs.
 Jacobs arbor threaded shanks are precision machined and ground to master gages for maximum performance with Jacobs drill and tap chucks. Jacobs chucks are ideal for use with custom tools and work holder designs.
 Jacobs arbor Bridgeport taper are precision machined and ground to master gages for maximum performance with Jacobs drill and tap chucks.
 Adapt smaller morse taper shank tools to larger machine spindles. Oil toughened and externally precision ground with hardened tang.
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