Drill Collets
Drill Collets effectively convert a Straight Shank tool of any kind (typically drills and reamers) into a Threaded Shank tool. Most commonly used to adapt drills, they can be used with broken drills, reamers, or other straight shank cutting tools such as counterbores and countersinks. Simply choose a collet with the appropriate size to fit the straight shank tool to be adapted. Great for emergencies, and getting into tight places. Our drill collets are an amazing tool that solves several drill problems. Drill collets save time and are easy to use. Drill collets does not gall the drill shank. Drill collets increase the life of drills by two or three times. Drill collets do not easily wear out. Drill collets can dramatically reduce costs. In some work environments, factories and plants, the savings on drill costs alone have paid for these valuable adaptors on the first day of use.
Omega Technologies OMDC8 #8 Drill Collets effectively convert a Straight Shank tool of any kind into a Threaded Shank tool. Drill Diameter: 0.199'' Size: #8
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