Apex 1/4'' power drive Torq-Set ® bits from Apex Fastener Tools, formally Cooper Tools. Apex Torq-Set ® bits feature cruciform screw drives and are used in torque-sensitive applications. The Apex Torq-Set ® head is similar in appearance to a Phillips ® drive in that it has a cross with 4 arms.
Apex Fastener Tools Catalog Page: 22
The 265A-5 1/4'' Apex Brand Torq-Set #5 Power Drive Bits is one of thousands of quality tooling products available from MRO Tools. Please browse Apex 1/4'' Torq-Set Hex Power Drive Bits for tools similar to the 265A-5 1/4'' Apex Brand Torq-Set #5 Power Drive Bits.265A-5 1/4'' Apex Brand Torq-Set #5 Power Drive Bits description summary: 1/4'' Apex brand power drive Torq-Set ® bits. Point size: 5 overall length (in.): 6'' overall length (mm): 152mm Quantity discounts may be available for the 265A-5 1/4'' Apex Brand Torq-Set #5 Power Drive Bits. Please contact MRO Tools for details.